WebSite Links
Please choose and click on the appropriate link to be taken to the website of your choice.
Wellington Garden Club is a member of the following:
National Garden Clubs
Deep South Region
Florida Federation of Garden Clubs (FFGC)
District X – We are part of District X, one of twelve districts in the FFGC
Mounts Botanical Garden – Palm Beach County’s oldest and largest public garden.
Wellington Chamber of Commerce
Other useful links:
EDIS – University of Florida Electronic Data Information Source of UF/IFAS Extension – a collection of publications through the Florida Cooperative Extension Service County Offices and Research and Education Centers statewide.
Newscape is the Landscape Design Schools newsletter. Scroll to the bottom of the linked page to find the latest issue.WGC
Million Garden Pollinator Challenge –
A campaign to register a million public and private gardens and landscapes to support pollinators.
Coral Restoration Foundations – Website
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